EnjabónaTé PR
Aromatherapy Massage Candles
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EnciéndeTé con nuestras deliciosas velas de soya y aceite de coco.
Utiliza en tu cuerpo el aceite producido al derretirse la cera para masaje, aromaterapia o como humectante.
- RelajaTé Lavanda: base + aceite esencial de lavanda, relajante, calmante, anti-estrés, alivia el insomnio
- Deep Breath: base + aceites esenciales de eucalipto, alcanfor y menta, mezcla decongestionante que ayuda a respirar mejor.
- Into the Woods: base + aceites esenciales de cedro y romero, mezcla maderosa que ayuda a la concentración y a mejorar el estado de ánimo
- ChocolaTé: base + fragancia de chocolate
- Pinito de Navidá: base + fragancia de pino
- Coquito: base + fragancia de coco
Our Low Waste Aromatherapy Massage Candles are back because you asked for them!
Handmade with two simple ingredients: soy wax & coconut oil with essential oils or fragrances. One of the coolest benefits of using soy wax to make candles is that you can use on your body the oil produced by the melted for massages, as a moisturizer and it also serves as a great carrier of the aromatherapeutic properties of the essential oils.
- RelajaTé Lavanda: base + lavender essential oil, rel axing, calming, anti-stress, aids with insomnia
- Deep Breath: base + camphor, eucalyptus and mint essential oil, decongestant mix that helps to breathe better
- Into the Woods: base + cedarwood and rosemary essential oils, uplifting, woodsy mix that helps with concentration
- ChocolaTé: base + chocolate fragrance
- Pinito de Navidá: base + Pine tree fragrance
- Coquito: base + coconut fragrance